This is a dark, strong beer with a pleasant bready aftertaste.
With this kit you will make 17 liters of beer.
Original gravity (OG) – 1.070
Final gravity (FG) – 1.020
Alcohol content about 6.6%
Color about 84 EBC
Bitterness about 18 IBU
Fermentation time about 1 week, maturation time 2-3 weeks.
The kit includes:
Fermented materials:
1.7 kg of liquid light "Pale ale" malt extract "Savas alus" (60 min. boiling);
1.7 kg of liquid dark malt extract "Savas alus" (60 min. boiling);
0.5 Kg caramel barley malt "Best Caramel Pils" (crushed, soaked before boiling);
1 Kg caramel barley malt "Best Special X" (crushed, soaked before cooking).
40 g "Saaz" hops (60 min. boiling);
20 g "Saaz" hops (10 min. boiling).
fabric bag for soaking grains - 1 pc.
dry brewer's yeast LalBrew Winsor 11g. - 1 pc.